A1: Creating a logo

I wanted to create a personal brand that I could use for my portfolio. I created sketches inspired by my background and interests.

Soon, I realized that I had too many varying ideas. So, I decided to focus only a small set of ideas at a time so my logo wouldn’t become too complicated. As a result, I created a few different logos I could further explore in the future:

Window Logo

In Persian culture, there is a lot of flower motif in architecture and art. Window designs traditionally look like pedals of a flower. To make it clear that my design is a window, I drew a little cloud behind it. In smaller versions of the logo, I would take out the cloud to simplify the design for smaller resolutions. I made a day, sunset, and night version of my logo to be able to display it on any background color.




Initials Logo

I also wanted to create a logo that more obviously revealed my identity, so I used my initials (’T’ and ‘S’ for this one). I wanted sharpen the edges of my logo to look something like a star.

TS Logos-20.png

TS Logos-06.png

Bauhaus Inspired Logo

The design style I’m most inspired by is 1930’s Bauhaus. I love the mix of sharp edges and shapes that are reminiscent of a changed, modern world. I wanted the shapes to give a sense of harmony despite each going in a different direction.

TS Simple-23.png

TS Simple-24.png

Block Logo

I consider this iteration as a combination of my window and bauhaus logo. It’s very simplistic, but, at the same time, the little squares remind me of the colorful stained glass used for windows.

TS Simple-25.png

TS Logos-26.png